


Minushi DVD & VOD for Sale and Rental!

It's official! The Minushi Double DVD Set and Video On Demand (VOD) is now available for sale and rental online!

The set includes the entire 94 minute feature length cut of Minushi as well as over 90 minutes of additional features including the "Details" making-of documentary as well as never before released early renderings, animation screen-tests and more.

The feature includes a 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound track, English subtitles as well as commentary by creator Tyler Gibb. Available internationally in an all-regions NTSC format.

Begin the adventure on DVD! Or through Amazon's Video on Demand!

(Also, you can share in the experience with Tyler as he opens the very first Minushi DVD set in this video - click here).



Welcome to Minushi.com

"Minushi" is the name of a feature length motion picture, completed in 2007 that was written, drawn and animated by Tyler Gibb. The process took nearly four years.

Minushi is currently seeking distribution and will eventually be released on DVD and other media... So to fans of the project: Hang in there!

Here at Minushi.com you are welcome to explore many aspects of Minushi including serialized chapters of the film available to view online, Tyler's production log as well as a documentary series Tyler recorded to answer all your questions about the methods he used to produce the movie.

Thank you for visiting!



Watch Minushi's Chapters

As well as being a 90 minute motion picture, Minushi was formatted for online distribution in the form of serialized chapters. View a limited number of these chapters here!







