

Minushi Press Images

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Movie Stills:

Minushi's determined hero, Trixi. [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

Minushi's unwitting hero, Khal. [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

Minushi's relentless villain, Mr. Tinker. [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

Minushi's enormous enigma, a "Giant." [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

A wide shot of a "Giant." [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

A key mystery in the world of Minushi, Khal's medallion. [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

One of Mr. Tinker's clunking "Goonbots." [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

Another of the "Goonbots." [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

Psychotic roving bandits are a constant threat. [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

The rich world of Minushi is full of detail. [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

Trixi and Khal plan their next move. [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

A dramatic moment as Mr. Tinker corners Khal a the edge of a cliff. [download 7.3x3.9" 300dpi]

Publicity Shots:

The Minushi poster montage. [download 7x5.6" 300dpi]

Gibb in the world of Minushi. [download 6.2x4.9" 300dpi]

Gibb in the world of Minushi. [download 7.9x9.4" 300dpi]

Gibb with stack of hand drawings produced for Minushi. [download 7.5x5.2" 300dpi]

Stack of hand drawings produced for Minushi. [download 6x4.2" 300dpi]

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